Djokovic en invité de dernière minute à l’ATP de Genève ?

Djokovic Undergoes Head Examination In Belgrade After Rome Bottle Incident

Djokovic en invité de dernière minute à l’ATP de Genève ?

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Novak Djokovic has undergone further tests for the head injury he sustained while signing autographs at the 2024 Italian Open.
According to the Serbian daily newspaper, Djokovic visited an Emergency Centre in Belgrade, his home city, days after his third-round defeat to Alejandro Tabilo in Rome.
Djokovic complained of nausea and dizziness before and during the match against the Chilean when he spoke to reporters. He admitted to struggling with his movement and that his general coordination was lacking.
The incident happened after he defeated Corentin Moutet in the second round when a metal bottle slipped from a fan’s rucksack and hit him hard on the head while he was busy signing autographs near the exit.
The tournament was quick to share multiple angles of the footage of the moment, dismissing the likelihood that it was an intentional move by a fan. Djokovic also concurred with the assessment when he tweeted shortly after the freak incident.

Although Djokovic was well taken care of by the medical staff at the Foro Italico, persistent after-effects, including headaches, have prompted a thorough examination of his head as a precaution but at the same time to rule out any possibility of concussion or hairline fractures.
Djokovic reportedly received the results shortly after, and it was positive news because no anomalies were found. He will now focus on ending his long trophy drought when he begins his Roland Garros title defense on May 26th.
There is also a report that the Geneva Open tournament organizers will offer him a wild card if he requests it. The Geneva Open is the last preparatory tournament for the French Open, which starts on Sunday, May 19th.
The World No. 1 has played the fewest matches on clay in the lead-up to Roland Garros since 2006. So, it will be interesting to see what the next few days will entail for Djokovic and his clay-court preparations.

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  • Pierre Leroy

    Passionné de tennis depuis son plus jeune âge, Pierre est un expert avéré des stratégies et techniques de jeu. Ayant joué en compétition durant ses années universitaires, Pierre apporte une perspective unique en tant qu'analyste. Son œil affûté pour les détails et sa capacité à décomposer les matchs font de lui une voix respectée dans la communauté des amateurs de tennis.Sur, il partage ses analyses pointues et ses prédictions, toujours appuyées par des statistiques et des observations pertinentes.

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